Artists: Todd Frahm and Lara Nguyen of Stone Cloud Studio
Find Your Center was inspired by a community art project the Madison County Arts Council initiated in June 2020, several months into the coronavirus global pandemic. The project, entitled Separate/Together 1000 Cranes for Hope and Healing, was inspired by a Japanese tradition called Senbazuru. The tradition is based on the belief that folding 1,000 origami cranes will grant the maker a special wish.

During the pandemic, the Madison County Arts Council distributed colored paper and folding instructions at key locations across the county. Community members could safely pick up supplies, sit down, alone or with their family, make art together, talk about their wishes and inscribe them on their cranes. The origami cranes were safely collected, and the Madison County Arts Council created a beautiful window display with all 1000 cranes. One collective wish for Madison County citizens was to emerge from the pandemic as a strong community and return to the beauty, music and art that makes Madison County so special.
Marshall Presbyterian Church
165 S. Main Street
Marshall, NC 28753