Grants Opportunities
Grant | Division | Description | Grant Contact | Grant Contact Email | Grant Contact Phone |
North Carolina Land and Water Fund | Land and Water Stewardship | Since its creation in 1996 by the General Assembly, the North Carolina Land and Water Fund (NCLWF), formerly known as the Clean Water Management Trust Fund, has conserved well over one-half million acres and protected or restored 3,000 miles of streams and rivers. NCLWF funds projects that (1) enhance or restore degraded waters, (2) protect unpolluted waters, and/or (3) contribute toward a network of riparian buffers and greenways for environmental, educational, and recreational benefits, (4) provide buffers around military bases to protect the military mission, (5) acquire land that represents the ecological diversity of North Carolina, and (6) acquire land that contributes to the development of a balanced State program of historic properties. | Will Summer | | 919-707-9127 |
North Carolina Science Museums Grant Program | Museum of Natural Sciences | The NC Science Museums Grant Program provides operational support to eligible museums across North Carolina. Awards are given to eligible applicants based on criteria set forth by state government per G.S. 143B-135.227. Award amounts will be determined by the following criteria: 1. When compared to other museum applicants: a. Are located in counties that are more economically distressed according to the annual rankings prepared by the Department of Commerce pursuant to G.S. 143B-437.08(c). b. Generate a larger portion of their operating funds from non-State revenue. c. Have a higher attendance-to-population ratio. 2. Partner with other museums in the State to share exhibits, programs, or other activities. 3. Are not located in close proximity to other science or STEM education museums. | Darrell Stover | | 919-707-9963 |
Library Services and Technology Act Grant Programs | State Library | The federally funded Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) was enacted by Congress in September 1996. The focus of this state-based program is information access through technology and improving access to library services, with a strong emphasis on collaboration and cooperation among all types of libraries, as well as a requirement to demonstrate improvement in library services through use of the federal funds. Eligible applicants are libraries as defined in North Carolina's LSTA Five-Year Plan, with further specific eligibility requirements driven by priorities on the plan. | Catherine Prince | | 919-814-6796 |
Aid to Public Libraries | State Library | Funds are distributed according to a formula. The formula allocates 50 percent of the total Aid to Public Libraries appropriation as equal block grants to each eligible county library, plus an additional block grant to each regional library. Municipal libraries qualifying for funding do not receive block grants. The remaining 50 percent of the Aid to Public Libraries fund is allocated as per capita income equalization grants. Each eligible county, regional, and municipal library system receives a per capita grant that is inversely proportional to the local per capita income. | Lynda Reynolds | | 919-814-6793 |
State Trails: Recreational Trails Program | Parks and Recreation | The Recreational Trails Program is a $1.5 million grant program funded by Congress with money from the federal gas taxes paid on fuel used by off-highway vehicles. This program's intent is to meet the trail and trail-related recreational needs identified by the Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan. Grant funding is for trail planning, construction, maintenance, signs and related facilities. | Scott Crocker | | 919-707-9326 |
Artist Fellowship, Regional Artist Project, Regional Arts Partners, Internships | Arts Council | Grants to artists ranging from $500 to $10,000 to support their creative development. Regional artist project grants are administered through local arts councils. | Vicki Vitiello | | 919-814-6504 |
Arts in Education Grants | Arts Council | The Arts in Education Program provides support to schools and nonprofit organizations to strengthen the use of the arts in pre K-12 settings. We give priority to funding fees for professional artists to work in educational settings and collaborations between arts organizations and schools. Arts in Education grants are not intended to substitute for a school's arts education program and funds cannot be used for permanent arts education personnel. | Vicki Vitiello | | 919-814-6504 |
Grassroots Arts Program | Arts Council | The Arts in Communities (AIC) Program works with local arts councils and other community arts organizations in all 100 counties to create and sustain innovative arts programs that help build healthier communities. | Vicki Vitiello | | 919-814-6504 |
Program Support Grants | Arts Council | Folklife grants are awarded to nonprofit organizations, folklorists, and traditional artists engaged in projects that preserve and perpetuate folklife traditions or educate the public about North Carolina's folk cultural heritage. | Vicki Vitiello | | 919-814-6504 |
State Arts Resources | Arts Council | For mature arts organizations that, over time, have consistently produced strong arts programs and demonstrated strong management and financial accountability. Grants support the organization's ongoing artistic and administrative functions. | Vicki Vitiello | | 919-814-6504 |
Statewide Initiatives | Arts Council | This category provides funds to organizations and individuals for projects and programs that benefit the state. Projects and programs may range from research, resource publications, consultations and the Poet Laureate Program. | Vicki Vitiello | | 919-814-6504 |
Statewide Service Organizations | Arts Council | Provides funds to service organizations for projects and programs that serve their members, artists, arts organizations, and the arts community. Funded programs and services may include newsletters, listserv and Web site management, conferences, workshops, classes, consultations, research, resource publications, presentations, and the development and distribution of promotional materials. Grant funds support administrative and program expenses directly related to the proposed programs and services. Grant amounts range from $5,000 - $35,000 and must be matched dollar for dollar by the organization. | Vicki Vitiello | | 919-814-6504 |
Land and Water Conservation Fund | Parks and Recreation | The Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) program is a reimbursable, 50/50 matching grants program to states for conservation and recreation purposes and through the states to local governments to address ''close to home'' outdoor recreation needs. Grants for a maximum of $500,000 in LWCF assistance are awarded yearly. | Chris Schmidt | | 919-707-9370 |
Parks and Recreation Trust Fund | Parks and Recreation | The Parks and Recreation Trust Fund (PARTF) was authorized by the General Assembly (G.S. 113-44.15) to establish a matching grant program for qualified local governmental units for local parks and recreation purposes. PARTF is funded by an annual appropriation as well as revenue from personalized license plates. | Chris Schmidt | | 919-707-9370 |
National Park Service Historic Preservation Fund Grants | Historic Preservation Office (HPO) | The National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 authorizes a matching grant program for a variety of preservation activities. Most federal grants have been made to local governments for architectural and archaeological surveys, National Register nominations, and preservation planning. Federal law requires that 10% of the state's apportionment from the federal Historic Preservation Fund be made available on a matching basis to local governments that are designated Certified Local Governments by the National Park Service. This has amounted to about $95,000 annually for CLG projects in the state in recent years. In some years, the HPO is able to offer additional grants out of the state's Historic Preservation Fund apportionment for projects within jurisdictions that are not Certified Local Governments, though these projects have been limited to non-construction activities such as comprehensive county surveys and nominations of properties to the National Register of Historic Places. Not-for-profit organizations and educational institutions may be able to apply for CLG funding through their local preservation commission. Privately-owned buildings are not eligible to apply for funding. | Michele Patterson-McCabe | | 919-814-6582 |