Topics Related to World War II

Governor. 1961-1965. World War II veteran, U.S. Senator, and Duke University president. His tomb 6/10 mile NE.

World War II army camp, trained 13,000 engineers. Named for R.C.A.F. pilot Frank Sutton of Monroe, killed December 7, 1941. Camp was here.

U.S. Army Lt. Gen. Commanded 506th Regiment, 101st Airborne Division during World War II and Fort Bragg 1957 to 1960. He lived nearby.

Radio correspondent in London during World War Two. Television interviewer & commentator. Born one mile east.

World War II fighter pilot. N.C.'s leading ace. Killed in action. Home 1 block east.

World War II training camp and overseas replacement depot, 1943-1946. Over 330,000 servicemen were processed here. This is center of 652 acre site.

Women mathematicians, many from N.C., executed complex calculations for U.S. military and NASA, 1941-1975, during WWII and the Space Race.

U.S. Army, 1917-1948. Pioneer in organizing Army airborne units; Major general, World War II. Home is 2 blocks, grave 1 mile, west.

Black U.S. Army soldier shot nearby in 1944 for resisting Jim Crow laws on a bus. Aftermath of killing helped revitalize North Carolina’s NAACP.

Operated 1942-1945 to provide rigorous training to about 20,000 U.S. Navy cadets. Elevated national profile of the university. Was on campus, nearby.