Capital Area Visitor Services

What venues can we tour?

Click on the tabs below to learn more about each of the venues that are serviced by Capital Area Visitor Services, including information on what you’ll see, security procedures, and pre-visit resources to make your trip a success. 

Tours for groups of 10 or more can be made for our venues through this platform. Remember, our Chaperone Policy requires one adult per ten students. All reservations must be made at least two weeks in advance.  

Tab/Accordion Items

2025 Spring Executive Mansion Interior and Garden Schedule

The 2025 spring schedule for the Executive Mansion and Mansion Gardens has been approved! In a transition year, it is customary to have a short spring season due to the onboarding of new staff and personnel in the Executive Mansion.

Interior Mansion Tours begin Wednesday, April 9, and conclude Thursday, May 29

Mansion Garden Tours begin Wednesday, April 9, and conclude Thursday, May 29

Blackout dates are Thursday, April 17, and Thursday, May 22, for interior and garden tours. 

Interior Mansion Tour parameters

  • 50 people maximum per tour group
  • 5 people minimum per tour group; anything smaller, email
  • Wednesdays and Thursdays are the tour days
  • Tour times are 10AM, 10:30AM, 2PM, 2:30PM and 3PM

Mansion Garden Tour parameters

  • 30 people maximum per tour group
  • Minimum 5 people; anything smaller, email
  • Wednesdays and Thursdays are tour days
  • Wednesdays are reserved for children’s groups, Thursdays are for adult groups
  • Tour times are 9:30AM and 10:30AM


Guided tours of the mansion and gardens must be reserved at least two weeks in advance through Capital Area Visitor Services.  


Know Before You Go: 

  • The Executive Mansion is located at 200 N. Blount Street in Raleigh. Please plan to arrive at the mansion's front gate (near the two flagpoles) about 15 minutes ahead of your tour time. 

  • Upon entry, you will be asked for your group’s booking information and required to go through a brief security check. 

  • Visitors are encouraged to dress for the weather and wear comfortable shoes appropriate for outdoor terrain. 

  • There are no public restrooms at the Executive Mansion. Restrooms for groups are available after 9 a.m. on the lobby level of the DNCR headquarters at 109 E. Jones Street. Please note there is no family restroom available, and the building includes a library and office spaces. We ask that you be courteous while using the facilities. 

  • Visitors cannot wander from the docent-led group and must always stay with the guide. 

  • Garden tours will occur rain or shine. 

Virtual Tour of NC Executive Mansion  


Monday–Friday, 8 a.m.–5 p.m. 

Guided tours are available 9 a.m.–3:30 p.m. in 30-minute increments. 

The Legislative Building is open to the public year-round, except on state holidays. 

Virtual Tour of NC Legislative Building  

Admission is free. 

Guidelines for visiting the NC General Assembly — Legislative Building 

  • ARRIVAL AND REGISTRATION. Upon arrival to the General Assembly, please have your students gather in a single-file line behind the visitors and guests sign at the front entrance of the building located on Jones Street. Teachers are responsible for the registration of their groups. Please enter through the door marked appropriately for registration. Parents, adults, and chaperones should not be responsible for any part of registration. Teachers should come to the front desk to register, receive classroom materials, be given specific instructions, and meet their Building Guide. 

  • SECURITY AND SCREENING. The Legislative Building now has a NEW security screening procedure in place for all visitors. To ensure the best possible experience, several recommendations will expedite screening. All students, teachers, parents, adults, and chaperones will be required to go through screening upon entry to the building. To accelerate this procedure, we are requesting that students leave all nonessential items, including backpacks, cell phones, etc. (excluding medical items), on their respective buses. We also ask that items not left on the bus, including souvenirs, be left outside with 2 or 3 adults while the tour takes place. Below are prohibited items inside the legislature: 

Prohibited Items Through Screening Process 

  • Aerosol containers 

  • Electric stun guns, martial arts weapons or devices 

  • Knives of any size 

  • Mace and pepper spray 

  • Guns, replica guns, ammunition, and fireworks 

  • Any weapon facsimile 

  • Razors and box cutters 

  • Pets or animals (guide and assistance animals are permitted) 

  • Batons and nightsticks 

  • Signs on hand-sticks 

  • Any other item or device that can be considered a dangerous weapon 

The Building Guide will lead the group into the screening area. The Building Guide must be followed by the teacher, then students next, for screening, with parents, adults, and chaperones remaining at the end of the line to be screened last. 

We recommend following the above-listed procedures carefully, as any failure to follow the above guidelines may result in a delay for your group. Please remember your group will need to use the restrooms at the NC Museum of History prior to your tour of this site.  We greatly appreciate your cooperation with these NEW security measures. We look forward to seeing you at the General Assembly and serving the needs of your group during its upcoming visit to the State Legislative Building! 

The North Carolina Museum of History Is Closed for Renovations.

Exciting Changes Underway!

The North Carolina Museum of History is embarking on a transformative journey that will redefine how visitors experience the state’s rich history. As part of this project, the physical museum building is closed to the public for an exciting makeover that will last two to three years. The Museum Shop will remain open to the public through December 29, 2024.

The renovation will usher in a new era for the museum, with reimagined exhibits and interactive experiences that offer deeper insights into North Carolina’s vibrant past. As construction progresses, you can stay connected through virtual and in-person programs, social media, and newsletter updates.

NCMOH Frequently Asked Questions


The North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences in downtown Raleigh is open Tuesday–Sunday, 10 a.m.–5 p.m.

To help make your experience the best it can be, please Know Before You Go

Hours (Downtown Raleigh) 

Know Before You Go 

Download the Museum's NEW Map

Please check this page before visiting, and follow the museum on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram for the most up-to-date information. For additional questions, email or see the FAQs. We look forward to seeing you soon! 

 Open Seasonally

Nature Exploration Center: 

  • Living Conservatory (Butterfly Room) 

For more information! 


NC State Capitol Tours

Explore the historic NC State Capitol with our guided tours, available from September 3, 2024, to June 13, 2025. Below you'll find our tour schedule and guidelines for group visits.

Tour Schedule:
•    Tours are available Tuesday to Friday, from 9:30 am to 3:00 pm (excluding holidays).
•    Tour times: 9:30, 10:00, 10:30, 11:00, 11:30, 1:00, 1:30, 2:00, 2:30, and 3:00.

Guidelines for Scheduling Capitol Tours:
•    Maximum 10 groups per day.
•    Tours must be scheduled at least two weeks in advance.
•    Groups must consist of 10 to 35 people, including chaperones.

Arrival Instructions:
•    Groups should arrive 5-10 minutes before their scheduled tour time.
•    Check in at the Visitor Service Desk inside the Capitol upon arrival.

Additional Information:
•    Restrooms and water fountains are available at the nearby History Museum.
•    No storage facilities for lunches or bags are available.
•    Food and beverages are not permitted during tours.

Capitol Grounds Scavenger Hunt:
•    Available for groups unable to reserve guided tours.
•    Download the scavenger hunt worksheet here.
•    Participants need a smart device to scan QR codes on the worksheet.
•    Groups using the scavenger hunt cannot enter the building during guided tours.

Summer Tours (June 17 - August 28, 2025):
•    Guided tours are available Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10:30 am and 1:00 pm.
•    Suitable for school-age children through adult groups (not recommended for daycare or preschool students).

Weekend Procedures:
•    Self-guided tours are available on Saturdays from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm.
•    Free public guided tours are offered at 11:00 am and 2:00 pm, no reservations are needed.

Holiday and Closure Information:
•    Detailed schedule adjustments and closures are listed below for 2024 and 2025:

September 2                     Capitol closed
September 17                   No tours
October 4                           No tours 
November 6                      No tours
Nov. 11                                 Capitol closed
Nov. 26-27                          No tours
November 28-29              Capitol closed
December 12                     Tree Lighting (Tentative)
December 12-14               Holiday Open House (Tentative)
December 17-18               No tours
December 20                      No tours
December 23                      No tours
December 24-26               Capitol closed 
December 27th                  No Tours

January 1                             Capitol closed    
January 3                             No tours
January 15-22                    No tours
January 20                          Capitol closed
April 17                                 No tours
April 18                                 Capitol closed
May 23                                  No tours
May 26                                 Capitol closed
June 15                                No tours
July 4                                  Capitol open – modified schedule        


“The goal is a public art tribute to freedom as expressed through the African American experience. It will be called [North Carolina Freedom Park] and will be located in the heart of the state capital as a continuing reminder of the struggles for freedom—and how much more we need to do to achieve equity and justice in our society.” —John Hope Franklin (1915–2009), historian

About North Carolina Freedom Park

North Carolina Freedom Park is a one-acre commemorative park located in downtown Raleigh. It honors the African American struggles and triumphs in pursuit of freedom throughout North Carolina’s history. Its pathways are beautifully carved with the Voices of Freedom, powerful words of African Americans who were denied freedom over the last two centuries. These words will enlighten and inspire all who reflect on them. The Beacon of Freedom is the gleaming centerpiece of the park. Standing 45 feet tall, this architectural sculpture beckons all who see it to wander down the five walkways and contemplate it in awe.

Ensuring Students Get the Most Out of a Visit

NC Freedom Park offers students the opportunity to develop a deeper understanding of the struggles of past visionaries and find inspiration in the resistance, resilience, and perseverance they demonstrated. Through thoughtful planning, engaging activities, and meaningful follow-up, teachers can ensure students extract the maximum educational value from their park experience.

The resources below will make a field trip to NC Freedom Park an immersive and impactful learning adventure that goes beyond just a day away from the classroom.

Specific Terms and Concepts Students Should be Prepared to Encounter in Their Engagement with NC Freedom Park

Students should be explicitly instructed before encountering historical terms, such as “colored” and “Negro,” that these words are no longer appropriate to use outside of discussions of historical documents.

Specific terms and concepts students should be prepared to encounter in their engagement with NC Freedom Park include:

  • Abolitionist
  • Bush Arbor
  • Civil Rights Activist
  • Colored*
  • Emancipation
  • Jim Crow
  • Negro*
  • Refugee
  • Segregation
  • Slavery
  • Suffrage
  • United States Colored Troops

NC Freedom Park and its accompanying educational resources offer a unique, memorable, and empowering educational experience.

Virtual Tour (COMING SOON!)        Guided Tour (COMING SOON!)

Visiting NC Freedom Park

NC Freedom Park is centrally located in the heart of the state government complex at the corner of Wilmington and Lane Streets in Raleigh.

It is free and open to the public. Visitors can spend a wide range of time at the park, from a 10-minute stroll through the paths to a 45-minute on-site teaching activity, depending on their goals.

Public parking is available via several pay lots throughout the capital area. There are designated areas for bus parking. Parking details are available here.