When Steven Raets talks about his audio mixing console, his eyes light up. To the uninitiated, the contraption looks like something off the bridge of a submarine: a labyrinth of buttons,
When Steven Raets talks about his audio mixing console, his eyes light up. To the uninitiated, the contraption looks like something off the bridge of a submarine: a labyrinth of buttons,
Keenan Jenkins is good at school. He excelled academically in his hometown of Rocky Mount and was admitted to the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics.
The Carrboro, NC supergroup Speed Stick is an ever-evolving project among a group of friends—Ash Bowie (Polvo), Charles Chace (The Paul Swest), Laura King (Bat Fangs), and Thomas Simpson (The Love Language)—whose musical achievements reach back as far as
Tumbao’s style varies from song to song, floating between salsa, bossa nova, funk and Afro-Cuban beats. They released a single in January (expect their first EP later this year) and have an impressive slate of upcoming shows.
Photos By Sandra Davidson/Graphic Design by Ai-Ling Chang