Sarah Koonts
Sarah Koonts became North Carolina's State Archivist in 2012. Working with a staff of nearly 70, Koonts is responsible for the statewide archives and records management programs operated by the division.
With more than 190,000 cubic feet of public records, private manuscripts, organizational records and non-textual materials in their care, the division of Archives and Records operates one of the largest and most comprehensive state archives operations in the country.
Government records analysts work with state and local agencies to make sure that public records are properly retained and disposed, and archivists prepare materials for use by the public in the search room and assist patrons with genealogical and historical research. As part of her work, Koonts oversees the operation of the Archives's two regional branches and well.
Prior to becoming director of Archives and Records, Koonts had more than 20 years of experience with State Archives in a number of different posts. She has worked in public services, local records analysis and preservation programming among many other fields.